Ryoichi Sakata
■ Program-specific Assistant Professor
(Advanced Smart Sensing Laboratory)
■ Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering Center,
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
■ PhD of Engineering (2021/03)
■ Hobbies : Kyo-gi Carta / Traveling / Reading

At Montréal in March, 2018
Photonic Crystals / Metamaterials
With nano-fabrication techniques, we can design the optical properties with its structures.
Modulated Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers (M-PCSEL)
Functional light sources such as 2D beam scanning lasers, flash-type light sources and multi-dot light sources are indispensable in various fields including sensing, object recognition, and adaptive lighting. Conventional light sources combine lasers with mechanical components or external optics, such as complex lens systems and diffractive optical elements. This combination increases the cost and complexity of the system by requiring fine alignment. To avoid these problems, a semiconductor laser with diffractive functionalities embedded into its internal structure is desired. We have proposed and study the modulated surface-emitting photonic crystal laser (PCSEL) as one such laser which enable arbitary beam pattern emission.
2022.4 - Present
Program-specific Assistant Professor, Kyoto University,
Advanced Smart Sensing Laboratory
2018.4 - 2021.3
Kyoto University,
Noda's Quantum Optoelectronics Lab.
Doctor course student / Research fellow DC1

Experimental demonstration of various beam patterns from single-chip M-PCSEL without external optical elements: an illustration of “The Great Wave” by Hokusai Katsushika.